Tag Archives: avocado

Spinach Spinach Spinach + A Confession

Today was what I call a ‘bad food day’. Everything I made just didn’t seem to go well and you’re left in a pretty bad mood.

One downside of living alone is that you don’t eat up vegetables or meats quick enough and they end up going off. The big bag of spinach I bought has been looking questionable since two days ago but I’ve been picking out the slightly decomposed leaves and have been trying my best to use them up.

I definitely think the solution to this problem is to make soups right from the start and store them in your fridge or freezer.

Here is what I ate today.

For lunch I decided to try to make Butternut Squash Flatbread, only to realise I had no coconut flour or gelatine. Given that I was hungry after the gym I decided to just try combining the squash with arrowroot powder (starch alternative) and this was the result.


Kind of ‘bread-y’….

I think whipped up a vegetable and tuna stir fry to put on top:


Taste. Hmph. Might as well have just mashed some butternut squash, it was just mushy but very very starchy mushy so wasn’t that pleasant.

Later in the day I acquired some coconut flour so I decided to make some Butternut Squash Cookies:


Again this wasn’t too great either, felt a bit dry and bland.

I had to have a late dinner today due to tutoring and so I made asparagus, spinach and avocado soup:


I won’t bother writing the recipe down because it didn’t taste great 🙁

Next I have to make a confession regarding my sugar fast declaration: when I opened the fridge I found three chocolate puddings. All of them would go off in a months time so I thought I’d just finish these off and then go on the sugar fast. So I ate one. Then I felt so crap about having broken the fast so soon I threw away the other chocolate puddings (they were dirt cheap anyways). So my fast now starts from tomorrow and ends on October 9th.

So to not fall asleep feeling down I’m going to list some good things that I did today:

  • Yoga
  • Kept paleo (apart from the chocolate pud)
  • It was a nice sunny day
  • Tutored

Peace out.